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Montag, 21. März 2011

مستند ازکودتا تا کودتا (2/5) - خرداد 1360 عزل بنی صدر

1 Kommentar:

  1. There are some of the cyber basijis who try to disguise themselves behind the slogans of supporting the mullahs against an "aggressiv­e" power! This is only a FABRICATIO­N similar to TODEH'S PARTY against Dr. Mossadegh in 1953. Yes a TODEH PARTY TACTIC to help the ENEMY of the IRANIAN PEOPLE. WHAT A SHAME!!!

    It is quite natural that the west would do whatever they have in their powers in order to get their own interests. This is not related to what the mullahs are doing against the people of Iran, WHATSOEVER­! The mullahs are waging a full scaled war against the UNARMED PEOPLE, killing them, torturing them and above all denying their RIGHTS FOR A JUST NORMAL LIVNG IN PEACE! If anyone wants to stop any sort of outsider's attempts, he/she HAS TO START FROM INSIDE OF HIMSELF/HE­RSELF. Do not try to sell a TODEH'S TYPE of "struggle"­. Everyone knows what kind of traitors they have been! This TRICK! has no chance anymore. We have seen enough of these WOLVES IN SHEEP'S FACES!
    To understand the problem facing our people, we have to recognize the main ENEMY. That is all, it takes. As soon as one takes the main ENEMY as seriouce as it is then it wouldn't be too hard to take the right position and actions. It would work out alone by itself. ALL IT TAKES, IS TO KNOW THE MAIN ENEMY! All other ones are behind that!
