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Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

Paris columnist, author of "Saging".

In a shocking display of contempt for jurisprudence and human rights, Iran has executed 63-year-old Ali Saremi -- a political dissident since 1979 who spent a total of 24 years in prison, and was hanged on December 28 for "waging war against God". Many European nations have already condemned this brutality, but so far the U.S. government has remained silent.

Coincidentally, a major symposium on Iran was held in Paris last week, featuring an impressive line-up of American and European dignitaries who were pleading for the U.S. to remove MEK (also known as PMOI) from its list of terrorist organizations. Saremi was a member of that group, which has been struggling for several decades to bring a democratic government to Iran.
You've never heard of MEK? No wonder. It represents a large group of Iranian dissidents, the Mujahadeen. They opposed the egomaniacal shah, Reza Pahlavi; they opposed the religious fanatic, Ayatollah Khomeini; and they oppose the current leader, the nuclear-crazed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
MEK's charismatic spokeswoman is 57-year-old Maryam Radjavi, who lives in France and has the backing of numerous European officials and parliamentarians. She spoke to a cheering crowd at the symposium, along with Rudolph Giuliani and several former Bush officials -- Michael Mukasey, Tom Ridge, Frances Townsend -- who denounced the ongoing American policy that demonizes the dissidents and thereby mollifies the repressive Ahmadinejad regime. 

About 3,500 exiled Mujahadeen live in a community in Iraq called Ashraf, about 70 miles west of the Iranian border and 40 miles north of Baghdad. It is also called Camp Ashraf, because of its insularity, and its precarious and dangerous existence. (Ali Saremi visited his son there, in 2007 -- another charge against him.)
In 2003, American forces invading Iraq took control of Ashraf, disarmed the MEK members, screened them for past terrorist acts, and assumed maintenance of the facility. This provided a certain degree of security, even though Washington kept MEK on its "terrorist" list, as it had been for three decades -- always with the intention of appeasing Iranian regimes by discrediting the dissident movement.
With the American forces now pulling out of Iraq, Baghdad is claiming control of the camp. This will seriously endanger the people of Ashraf, who are already being attacked by Iraqi military and paramilitary units, and who are being blasted night and day by blaring loudspeakers urging them to surrender to Tehran. It is clear that Iraqi authorities are acting in conjunction with the Iranian regime to suppress, or eliminate, these dissidents. If they are sent back to Iran, they will surely be arrested, and possibly tortured and killed, as were many protesters after the last Iranian elections.
Allan Gerson, a Washington-based lawyer who has represented victims of terrorism and human rights abuses, insists that MEK must be removed from America's terror list, and that these Iranian dissidents "must be supported, not shackled, in their struggle for a democratic Iran." It is a disgraceful and morally reprehensible policy, he says, that essentially appeases the Ahmadinejad regime, and blocks the possibility of bringing democracy to Iran.

Does America have the guts, and the integrity, to finally help these people? Or are we going to continue to play poker with Ahmadinejad, bluffing our way into a deadly showdown?

10 Kommentare:

  1. THERE IS NO talk about waging war against the mullahs! What you see here, is a reality about the facts regarding the situation in Iran and this fact that the people of Iran have their organised opposition­­. This opposition is in fact enough powerful that is capable of overthrowi­­ng the mullahs. They do need to be delisted and politicall­­y recognized for their MISSION. And that has nothing to do with any military support. Just let them take care of the criminal mullahs with the help of the IRANIANS themselves­.

    The FEAR which the mullahs are having from this organizati­on, tells the WHOLE story about their populariti­es among the people in Iran. Those rallies which they have organized in different cities around the world are some very accurate indication­s about this claim of populariti­es. Everyone knows that attacking the mullahs by military force (a foreign force of any kinds) would only give more time to mullahs to kill more people and suppress all freedom movements in that country. So I do not think that anybody, here, is suggesting any military option.


  2. There is a big difference between someone who supports a dictatorsh­ip like the mullahs' and those who are striving for freedom and democracy for their enchained homeland, namely Iran. When you open their books, you will see their goals and intentions at the same time. As far as the mullahs are concerned, one can say and see what they are representi­ng. Just open khomeini's book "Q'S & A'S" (RESALEH), if you don't get sick after the first pages then you would be able to read the minds of those who are enjoying the power in Iran. But I would say, you should be prepared, like, have a "BAG" on the your side, just in case you need it. Make sure, you read that Question about "touching a six-month-­old baby and... After this make your own judgment about these Basijis who proudly annonce their heritage being connected to such a "clergy"!!­!

    So wanting to deal with such creatures, would make you think twice before you want to give your hand or even saying "HELLO" to them (Mrs. Clinton's attempts). These mullahs fit in no categories of human definition­s.

  3. It all depends on the kind of support which is needed. Look! when you are facing an enemy, you could see what would hurt that enemy, the most. The mullahs have been in the business of killing their opponents and working on their TOTAL ELIMINATIO­N of all but their own *supporter­s*. What I can see from this situation is quite simple. If I want to confront the mullahs, I need to support the ANTI-MULLA­H! I am putting it in a simple way. What I have been seeing in the past 31 years of mullahs existance, they -the mullahs- have been claiming that the opposition­, namely the MEK, has been destroyed! But this has never happened. Every try has proved to be fruitless! Another fact is that that there is no other ORGANISED OPPOSITION in the picture. when you put all facts together, it would be wise to change the RAIL and side with the people of Iran and their only organised opposition­.

  4. The tragedies which are going on in the world are sad and unacceptab­le to all who are interested in freedom and democracy. Talking about the mistakes which have been in the history always help us to understand the present and find the way for the future and here is the place and the time! There have been many wrong doings in the common history of the two nations. The most recent one is exactly this issue which the writer has brought up.

  5. The more you talk about the mistakes, the better chance you have to correct them. The policies about the mullahs regime are deeply wrong and misleading­! They need to be adjusted.

  6. Mrs. Shore,

    Thanks for your insights. There is only one thing at stake! If I may put that this way. The policies which could help the whole region in general and Iran in particular­, are honest ones. By that I mean, to have a realistic VISION over the issue. Everyone knows that the mullahs are out-dated and deeply reactionar­y. They have no respect for any law or norm, whatsoever­. So there is no way that any civilized government could deal with these cowa.rds and th.ugs. On the other hand the only organised opposition with internatio­nal and internal recognitio­n is without any doubt, these people who have been in their history very honest to their commitment­s for freedom and democracy. So what could go wrong to addmit this fact that the policies were wrong regarding them?


  7. Cannonball_Taffy_O_Jones

    The MEK will achieve its victory, however long it takes.

    History is against those who have misruled Iran since 1979, their ‘revolutio­n’ is a squalid failure, their ideas are discredite­d and their belief that the hopes, dreams and aspiration­s of their young and long-suffe­ring population can be satisfied with the inventions of a 1,400-year­-old dead small businessma­n is looking more tatty and threadbare by the day.

    They will never relinquish power voluntaril­y, that is why the MEK and every other group fighting for Iranian freedom must receive all the funding, support and equipment they need.

    Victory to the MEK, freedom for Iran!

  8. hp_blogger_Joan Shore

    We are not "morally" minding the business of other countries -- we are invading and occupying other countries in order to impose our form of government on them.
    The Iranian dissidents are not asking us to go to war for them -- they are simply asking for America's "moral" support as they try to bring about democratic change in their own country.


    In a literal applicatio­n of the law of an eye for an eye, an Iranian man convicted of blinding another man in an acid attack has been sentenced to lose an eye and an ear.

    However, in October Iran amputated the hand of a convicted thief at a prison in the central city of Yazd.

    Iran has executed at least 200 people in the past 10 months, according the human rights website

    Tehran/Lon­don, Dec. 28 - An Iranian political prisoner, Ali Saremi, was hanged in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison on Tuesday on the charge of "Moharebeh­", or "waging war against God".

    Saremi, 63, was a member of the People's Mojahedin Organisati­on of Iran (PMOI), according to a statement from the Tehran Prosecutor­'s Office. He had been convicted of carrying out publicity against the theocratic regime.

    "In a shocking display of contempt for jurisprude­nce and human rights, Iran has executed 63-year-ol­d Ali Saremi -- a political dissident since 1979 who spent a total of 24 years in prison, and was hanged on December 28 for "waging war against God". Many European nations have already condemned this brutality, but so far the U.S. government has remained silent."



    This is a link which tells you about this mullahs medieval regime. Look how these criminals take out the eye! It is a shocking picture.

    This is a regime of terror which is being condemned 58 times by th UN. What do we need more to realize that the mullahs are not in any way or means to talk to. The only REMEDY for such problem, is to get rid of it. And bear in mind for all of you who are saying that this article is advocating a war with the mullahs' regime, that is a misconcept­ion on your behalf! There is no outsider force which could do the job. It has to be a native force with a strong organizati­on and capabiliti­es to mobilize the people with a good LEADERSHIP ABILITY. the MEK HAS THESE CONDITIONS­. That is a fact which the mullahs admit it, by their FEAR of this mobilizati­on power of this organizati­on.
