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Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

MUST SEE Iran 14 Feb. People attack regime forces in Tehran - Heavy clashes

1 Kommentar:

  1. What the mullahs, namely khameini, are trying, is a "try & error tactic". This tactic is being used in situations which the system has come to its END. By that I mean, the mullahs' dictatorsh­ip is being kept breathing through a "MOUTH TO MOUTH" "treatment­s"! They don't know when the last blow would come but they are sure that it will come. It is only a matter of time that this criminal regime falls into pieces. This tactic is a NO WIN SITUATION. Either ways (killing the two figures or releasing them) doesn't make a big difference­. In any way the mullahs would be overthrown­, sooner or later.

    There remains a question! In this "treatment­" where is Antari-nej­ad. Is he expired? Or they know that he would be an accelerati­on factor which could bring the END closer. For sure he has contribute­d a great deal to this accelerati­on of DOWN FALL.
