HALIFAX, Nova Scotia -- A leading U.S. senator on defense issues says any military strike on Iran to stop its nuclear program must also strive to take out Iran's military capability.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who sits on the Armed Services Committee and the Homeland Security Committee, said Saturday the U.S. should consider sinking the Iranian navy, destroying its air force and delivering a decisive blow to the Revolutionary Guard.
He says they should neuter the regime, destroy its ability to fight back and hope Iranians will take a chance to take back their government.
His remarks stunned many in the audience at the Halifax International Security forum.
Graham told the audience that newly elected conservatives would back "bold" action against Iran, reports Agence France Presse:
If President Barack Obama "decides to be tough with Iran beyond sanctions, I think he is going to feel a lot of Republican support for the idea that we cannot let Iran develop a nuclear weapon," he told the Halifax International Security Forum."The last thing America wants is another military conflict, but the last thing the world needs is a nuclear-armed Iran... Containment is off the table."
The Obama administration, through top military officials, has made it clear that all options are on the table.
Waging WAR against Iran or even talk about that, would only fuel the oppressions of the people by the Mullahs' dictatorship. The only beneficiary of such WARMONGERIN policies is the mullahs regime, the people in Iran DO NOT NEED THIS KIND "HELP" FROM GOP
AntwortenLöschenIt is always easy for these kinds of warmonger to talk about GOING TO WAR! He doesn't have to pay for it: He doesn't have to go to do it! As simple as that!!!
AntwortenLöschenIt is always easy for these kinds of warmonger to talk about GOING TO WAR! He doesn't have to pay for it: He doesn't have to go to do it! As simple as that!!!
AntwortenLöschenAs I mentioned before, whoever is for freedom and democracy, is not capable, I mean in his/her conscience and awaresom, to say or see anything good coming out of the medival regime of the mullahs. This has nothing to do from what position or angel he/she is looking at the situation in Iran. The kind of suppression which being practiced by the mullahs is absolutely unique and unprecedented in the contemporary history. The kind of devastations, the ruining of the economy, selling out the nation's wealth, destroying the industries, causing %30 inflation (according to recent UN reports) and the poverty as a result of that and the list can endlessly go on. All of these for someone who has a brain and more importantly concience, leaves him/her no excuse to say even one word in favor of these anti-human creatures-namely the MULLAHS.
AntwortenLöschenI hope those who have the brain, would be able to get it. If there is no brain available then they are not able to get it!
The best way to help the people in Iran is to keep the SANCTIONS going as hard as it could go. I really do not give a "dime" for this idea that "these sanctions would hurt the people of Iran more than they do the mullahs." I always see it this way that in the past 31 years of mullahs' devastating dictatorship, no foreign "invaders" could have done more damages to the people of Iran and the country than the criminal mullahs. What these mullahs are doing, is not being done by any invaders. They are killing the SOULS OF THE IRANIANS and destroying the RICH CULTURE OF IRANIANS. Of course they are not gonna be able to do that and they will be over thrown in a very near future. That is the job of the Iranians themselves and other countries could support the democratic forces and let them do the job for the people of Iran. One thing is for sure: if any country wants to keep the mullahs in power, they can give them the WAR.
AntwortenLöschenSUPPORT THE MULLAHS, GIVE THEM THE WAR. By using the SCAPEGOAT (THE WAR) they would be able to crush any movement for freedom & democracy
I tell you what: whoever thinks that the mullahs are doing something and somehow for the people of Iran, he/she must be either high or a relative of antari-nejad! what the mullahs in the past 32 years have done, cannot be compared with any atrocities done by a foreign force, let alone to give these criminals the most dangerous weapon on the earth. The very first victims of an "atomic mullahs" would be the people of Iran themselves. So do not try to sell me this stupid idea that the mullahs are doing something for Iran or the Iranian people. Just take a look at the savage behaviours of the mullahs on the streets of Iranian cities then try something to show your support for these BEASTS!
AntwortenLöschenThere is no Sanctions harder than the mullahs' regime! That is the harshest sanction against LIFE ALL TOGETHER and has to lifted as soon as possible in order to save the lives and souls in that country.
AntwortenLöschenLook! The best way to help the people in Iran, is to weaken the mullahs' dictatorship. The sanctions are the best solution to this problem. There is no force other than the mullahs' dictatorship which is hurting the people of Iran. That way the people in Iran realize that the world is not willing to deal with the mullahs and that is the exact feeling which the people of Iran have regarding the criminal mullahs.
AntwortenLöschenIt is rather sad to see that the history repeats itself. Back in 1953 there was a deeply popular and freedom loving HERO on the political stage of Iran and the whole ME, for that matter. This HERO would have been able to bring that region into a stable and modern situation. But we know how this HERO was betrayed by the mullahs and the Todeh communist party. How the CIA engineered COUP destroyed all those HOPES and PROSPERATIES of this people. It is needless to say that the present history is also a REMINDER of the 1953 policies. The wrong policies have always been conter-productive, no matter who is "benefiting" from them. In the long run it would BACKFIRE in the faces of those who are promoting them!
AntwortenLöschenAny policy has to be adapted with the realities of the people who are involved. By that I mean, the realities in Iran are showing that the mullahs' regime is the most backwarded "event" which has happened to this country. With such creatures you have to "talk" with them in their own "language"! The mullahs are talking to the people of Iran with killings, torturing, destructions of every aspects of life and society, and no respects for humanity. With such a creature you are not able to talk and reach a positive result. This regime is does not belong to this era. This regime is doomed to be overthrown and this is what the people of Iran are striving for and demanding for. To see this reality and to understand the importance of these wishes, would help to adapt the proper policies in this regard. So if the US wants to side with the people of Iran, she is to adapt a different approach towards this complex situation. The US should support the people of Iran and their democratic movements.